U-shaped PVC hot water bottle design clever 2024/7/23
What is U-shaped PVC hot water bottleYuefeng U-type PVC hot water bag adopts imported environmental protection PVC raw m......
There is such a hot water bag, or throw it away! 2024/7/23
There is such a hot water bag, or throw it away! Hot water bottle used too long smell or, throw it away!The smell of the......
The China Chemical Fiber Industry Association Span 2024/7/15
On July 11, 2024, the 2024 Annual meeting of the China Chemical Fiber Industry Association Spandex Branch was held in Lu......
Hot water bottle selection method 2024/7/15
Hot water bottle selection method1. Look at appearanceFeel thick and comfortable; Gently blow, the bag body naturally ex......
Polyester industry chain suddenly burst 2024/7/8
The long-dormant polyester chain recently showed bright eyes, PX, PTA, ethylene glycol, polyester filament have risen si......
A hot water bottle, cold compress and hot compress 2024/7/8
In life, many friends ah, hot water bottle is basically used for heating in winter, but ah a small hot water bag, hot wa......
Cold compress hot water bottle summer heat prevent 2024/7/1
Misty rain Jiangnan, in late June, Jiangnan area is basically soaked in the rain, we all know that the "plum rain&q......
Note: patients with winter sugar year should use h 2024/7/1
After the temperature drops, blood vessels at all levels of the human body will contract, resulting in increased blood p......
Crude oil prices continue to pull up, raw material 2024/6/24
Crude oil prices continued to rise this week, the price of polyester filament has been differentiated, the price of larg......
Can PVC hot water bottle be directly filled with b 2024/6/24
Under normal circumstances, unless the product has a special purpose and is clearly marked, the PVC hot water bottle can......
2024 Advanced fiber new material Science and Techn 2024/6/17
From the comfort and health, safety protection, intelligent and functional consumer goods close to the people's live......
Who said summer PVC hot water bag is useless 2024/6/17
I believe many friends will question, summer can also use PVC hot water bottles? Who said summer PVC hot water bag is us......
Children PVC hot water bottle hot compress misunde 2024/6/3
Note that the baby's hot cold feet are covered with PVC hot water bottles, which may cause burns, eczema, aggra......
How to buy PVC hot water bottle 2024/6/3
How to buy PVC hot water bottle, from these points to see the quality of hot water bottle.Water leakage resistanceThe wa......